The Garden’s Out

The comment which Ian of mud4fun made here reminded me that I should update this.

There isn’t much to say.  The tomatoes were late and came all at once.  The commercial growers were in the same boat.  It was just at the end of the season that the price dropped from $18 for a half bushel to $12.  We’ll plant Romas again; but I am not sure about Bonny Best.

The onions did nothing.  Had they been grown from seed, they would have been Spring onions in the Fall.  As they were grown from sets, they were pathetic little onions for size, but quite tear inducing on the chopping board.

The leeks had long white stems; but they weren’t very thick.  The trenching method works well.  They just didn’t get the length of season to grow.

The herbs had a very slow beginning and then bolted when the heat came.

It wasn’t our most successful year.  However, most of the folks to whom we talked said the same.  When it comes to gardening, boasting divides and moaning unites.

About Tweed and Briar

I am the pastor of a rather conservative rural congregation. My interests alongside of work are hunting, fly fishing, cooking, and life in an agricultural community. By way of family, I have a wife and two children: a daughter and a son. I am of indeterminate age because my wife is a bit younger than I am and my son is ages with some of my friends’ grandchildren. However, to say that I slip smoothly among the generations would imply an agility which I no longer possess. I aspire to the genteel poverty of the country manse.
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3 Responses to The Garden’s Out

  1. Romas and beans? As perhaps the garden needs a bit of a refresh?

  2. mud4fun says:

    Wow, it sounds like you have suffered exaclty the same as us. It has been an odd year here for weather, we had frosts and even snow as late as May meaning that seedlings didn’t go out till late, then we had a drought all summer with some of the highest temperatures we’ve ever seen (+32c up here on the North East coast of England!) and then since the start of October we’ve had gales and torrential rain which has meant that the crops that were just starting to ripen such as chillies have now blighted AARGGGHHH. Even the pumpkin and squash crops have failed so we’ve had to buy in pumpkins for Halloween and we don’t really have any squash for roast dinners through winter. 😦

    Fingers crossed, hopefully next year will be better 🙂

  3. From what the Aged Parent in the Old Country was saying, the UK’s weather was about a week behind ours. You were getting what we’d just had.

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